Calling a Web Service (asmx) via Jquery

This post guides on how you can call an asmx webservice via JQuery. For those who are not familiar with JQuery, its a consise javascript library. To make it simple its a lenghty java script file which contains predefined functions, which users can leverage to develop rich client side applications. You may download the latest from www.jquery.com

<!DOCTYPE HTMLPUBLIC“-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN”>



<!–Step1: Add reference to the jquery script file.–>


<!–Step 2: Show acitivity indicator. This would help the users know  that some activity is going on in the background.–>



function () {

              $(“#activityIndicator”).bind(“ajaxSend”, function () {

$(this).show();}).bind(“ajaxStop”, function () {

                   $(this).hide();}).bind(“ajaxError”, function () {





<!–Step 3:  Make a webservice call. Most of the below script is self explanatory .–>


//URL path to the webservice

var webServiceURL = ‘http://ServerName/WebService.asmx/WebMethod’;

function CallWebSerivce() {

//Get the parameter to the service from the user input

var parma1value = document.getElementById(‘<%= Ctrl1.ClientID %>’).value;

//Format parmaters as follows ‘param1=paramvalue, param2=paramvalue’

var parameters = ‘param1=’ + parma1value;

//Do not remove:  ‘cors’ is equal to true if a browser can create an XMLHttpRequest object and if that XMLHttpRequest object has a withCredentials property.To enable cross-domain requests in environments that do not support cors yet but do allow cross-domain XHR requests

  jQuery.support.cors =true;
//Make an ajax request
url: webServiceURL,
data: parameters,
success: OnSuccess,//method upon success
error: OnError//method upon error/failure


//1. GET the node value from webservice xml response – $(data).find(“nodeName1”).text()

//2. Find() function will get all the nodes with the provided name. If you have child nodes with the same name. All of the values are returned as a concatinated string

//Perform success operations

function OnSuccess(data, status) {

                document.getElementById(‘<%= Ctrl2.ClientID %>’).value = $(data).find(“nodeName1”).text();

                document.getElementById(‘<%= Ctrl3.ClientID %>’).value = $(data).find(“nodeName2”).text();

                document.getElementById(‘<%= Ctrl4.ClientID %>’).value = $(data).find(“nodeName3”).text();


//Perform error operations

function OnError(request, status, error) {

                alert(‘Error calling webservice. Please enter meta data manually!’);









<!– TextBox which takes user input as a parameter to the webservice –>

<asp:textboxid=”Ctrl1″ runat=”server”/>



<!– TextBox which displays value from the webservice –>

    <asp:textboxid=”Ctr2″ runat=”server”/>





<!– TextBox which displays value from the webservice –>

<asp:textboxid=”Ctrl3″runat=”server” />



<!– TextBox which displays value from the webservice –>






<!– Activity Indicator container: Hidden by default –>

<div id=”activityIndicator”style=”display: none;”>

<img id=”imgActivityIndicator”src=”Images/ajax-loader.gif” alt=”Loading”/>




<!– CallWebService() function called ‘onclick’ of a button –>

<input type=”button”name=”BtnFetchData” title=”Fetch Data” value=”Fetch

Data” onclick=”CallWebSerivce();” />






Useful links:

1. You may generate ajax loader icons from Ajax Load Info

2. JQuery script files: www.jquery.com

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