Powershell Create IIS Site

 Create and IIS Site

 - This script creates and IIS based on the user input
 - The  script takes back up of the existing IIS configuration
   Restores back to the the backed up IIS Configuration if something goes wrong
 - This script is meant for education/demonstration purpose only and not meant for production use
 - This script plays by the user inputs, you could take the inputs as aruguments. For instance,
   #$siteName    = Read-Host 'What is the name of your site' 
       could be
   #$siteName    = $args&#91;0&#93;
   You could invoke the script as InstallIISSite.ps1 &#91;WebsiteName&#93; &#91;AppPoolName&#93; &#91;Port&#93; &#91;Path&#93; (&#91;domain\user&#93; &#91;password&#93;)

 - This scripts requires admin priviliges!

# Add 'WebAdministration' modules to the current session. 
# The modules must be installed on the local computer or a remote computer

Import-Module WebAdministration

#Suspends the activity in a script or session for the specified period of time in secods
Start-Sleep 2 
# Get the user inputs for SiteName, AppPool, Port, Path for the site, user and password
$siteName    = Read-Host 'What is the name of your site?'           
$appPoolName = Read-Host 'What is the name of the application pool?'
$port        = Read-Host 'Specify the port number'
$path        = Read-Host 'Choose the path for your website'
$user        = Read-Host 'Specify user in the followng fashion domain\username'
$password    = Read-Host 'Enter password' -AsSecureString 

<# Or you can have the following

$siteName    = $args&#91;0&#93;           
$appPoolName = $args&#91;1&#93;
$port        = $args&#91;2&#93;
$path        = $args&#91;3&#93;
$user        = $args&#91;4&#93;
$password    = $args&#91;5&#93;

You may invoke the script as 
InstallIISSite.ps1 &#91;WebsiteName&#93; &#91;AppPoolName&#93; &#91;Port&#93; &#91;Path&#93; (&#91;domain\user&#93; &#91;password&#93;)
#Backup the IIS Configuration
#Create the name for back up folder
$backupName = "$(Get-date -format "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss")-$siteName"

#"Backing up IIS config to backup named $backupName"
# Backup will be created at C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\backup
$backup = Backup-WebConfiguration $backupName

try { 
    # Delete the website & app pool if already existed
    if (Test-Path "IIS:\Sites\$siteName") {
        "Removing existing website $siteName"
        Remove-Website -Name $siteName -Confirm
    if (Test-Path "IIS:\AppPools\$appPoolName") {
        "Removing existing AppPool $appPoolName"
        Remove-WebAppPool -Name $appPoolName -Confirm
    #Remove sites using the same port
    foreach($site in Get-ChildItem IIS:\Sites) {
        if( $site.Bindings.Collection.bindingInformation -eq ("*:" + $port + ":")){
            "Warning: Found an existing site '$($site.Name)' already using port $port. Removing it..."
             Remove-Website -Name  $site.Name -Confirm
             "Website $($site.Name) removed"
    "Create an appPool named $appPoolName with v4.0 framework"
    $pool = New-WebAppPool $appPoolName
    $pool.managedRuntimeVersion = "v4.0"
    if ($user -ne $null -AND $password -ne $null) {
	"Setting Application Pool to run under the $user"
		$pool.processmodel.identityType = 3
		$pool.processmodel.username = [string] $user
		$pool.processmodel.password = [string] $password
    #If no user name is not specified, set the ID as NetworkService
      $pool.processModel.identityType = 2
    $pool | Set-Item

    if ((Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $appPoolName).Value -ne "Started") {
        throw "Application pool $appPoolName was created but did not start!"
    "Create a website $siteName pointing at $path and create with port $port"
    $website = New-Website -Name $siteName -PhysicalPath $path -ApplicationPool $appPoolName -Port $port
    if ((Get-WebsiteState -Name $siteName).Value -ne "Started") {
        throw "Website $siteName was created but did not start!"
    "Website and Application Pool was created and started successfully"
    "Oops something went wrong! Rolling back web server to its initial state. Please wait..."
     Start-Sleep 3 
     Restore-WebConfiguration $backupName
     "IIS Restore complete."