Azure Service Bus Feature Summary

This post acts as a quick reference for all the popular features that differentiate Service Bus from Storage Queues.

This blog post assumes that you have some fundamental understanding of messaging options within Azure. But if you want to get started and need a more detailed understanding please refer to the following articles.

Microsoft Service Bus

Messaging options in the Microsoft Azure Platform

Service Bus feature summary:

Note: All the above options applies to both Queues and Topics.

Time to live:
Message time to live determines how long a message will stay in the queue before it expires and is removed or dead lettered. When sending messages it is possible to specify a different time to live for only that message. This default will be used for all messages in the queue which do not specify a time to live for themselves. 

Lock Duration:
Sets the amount of time that a message is locked for other receivers. After its lock expires, a message pulled by one receiver becomes available to be pulled by other receivers. Defaults to 30 seconds, with a maximum of 5 minutes.

Duplicate Detection:
Enabling duplicate detection configures your queue to keep a history of all messages sent to the queue for a configurable amount of time. During that interval, your queue will not accept any duplicate messages. Enabling this property guarantees exactly-once delivery over a user-defined span of time

Dead Lettering:
Dead lettering messages involves holding messages that cannot be successfully delivered to any receiver to a separate queue after they have expired. Messages do not expire in the dead letter queue, and it supports peek-lock delivery and all transactional operations.

Service bus sessions allow ordered handling of unbounded sequences of related messages. With sessions enabled a queue can guarantee first-in-first-out delivery of messages.

Partitions a queue across multiple message brokers and message stores. Disconnects the overall throughput of a partitioned entity from any single message broker or messaging store. This property is not modifiable after a queue has been created.


Time to live:
Duplicate Detection:

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