Step 2: Configure Visual Studio for development
Step 2 a: Create a new project of Type ‘Apps for SharePoint’
Enter the SharePoint Site URL where this app needs to be deployed and select Provider-hosted
You will prompted to enter your office 365 credentials to select the version of the SharePoint
Please select SharePoint Online
Leave the default Option, unless you want to use certificate authentication.
Choose the web application project of your choice
- Two projects will be created
- One for SharePoint online – ThermoConverterApp
- One for Azure Web App – ThermoConverterAppWeb
If you publish/deploy ‘ThermoConverterAppWeb’ it will be deployed to Azure and the if you deploy/publish ‘ThermoConverterApp’ it will be deployed to SharePoint. Notice the icons to differentiate better.
Once you are complete with all the above steps, please check the properties of project, the ‘SiteURL’ should match your SharePoint Online site.
Continue to Step 3: Register the app and update the Visual Studio>>
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